Jewellery Designing Interrior Designing Fashion Designing Aonline Training Franchise Scheme Send Free E-Greetings "Compufield -computer Institute specialized in fast track courses-multimedia,web designing,software engineering,certification courses,fashion,jewellery,interior designing courses. India,Bombay(Mumbai)."
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  Web Designing Courses :
  Cert in Web Designing I Dip in Web Designing I Dip in Web Designing I Cert in Web Designing (Adobe Softwares) I Dip in Adobe Flash I
  Dip in Web Designing(Adobe Softwares) I Dip in web Designing E-Commerce & Global Marketing I Dual Dip in Web Technology & Multimedia I
  Dual Dip Pro In Web Technology & Multimedia I Dip in Web Designing, Software Engineering, E-Commerce & Global Marketing I
  Dip in Web Designing, Multimedia, E-Commerce & Global Mktg Dip in Web Designing, Multimedia Pro, Software Engineering, E-Commerce & Global Marketing I

   Individual Courses :
  Flash Actionscript Level I with C, C++ (Basic) I Flash Actionscript Level II I Diploma in Flash Action Script (Level I + II) I PHP & MySQL (E-Commerce) I PHP +
  MySQL + AJAX & C & C++(Basic) I AJAX ISearch Engine Optimization ( Intrenet Global Marketing) I
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Certificate in Web Designing

Web Student's Review
Alexander Georganas., Course-"Web Designing", Country-"UK"
Jawid Ashraf., Course-"Dreamweaver, Film Editing, Flash, HTML", Country-"Afghanistan"
Rasvi Kader., Course-"3D max, Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop, CorelDraw", Country-"India"
Rina Shah., Course-"Web Designing", Country-"India"
1 2 3 4
Web Student's Video Review

Our Students Web Designing Projects
Web Publishing Students Project
Web Publishing Students Project At Compufield
The importance of "Variable" in the design of home pages to get maximum
Compufiled Web Publishing Students Project
Compufield Student Project of Web Publishing
Student Project for Compufield Web Publishing
There are 600 millions documents on every possible subject and more than 1.5 million documents are uploaded everyday. The importance of "Variables"maximum marketing power.
Making a Professional Website using the above software, Multimedia and Sound.
Additional Global Marketing tricks available on Web. Marketing, selling and publishing product literature world wide.

    Courses Includes following Softwares :

Enquire About This Course
Name :
*Country Name
    e.g.India, UK, ....
Residence / Office Number :
Country Code City Code Number
    (Number-Coutry code & city code)
e.g. +91-22-23676218
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    (*) Signed fields are mandatory.


Online Learning, this course can be studied Online, any time any where.


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used to describe the layout of a web page. HTML is simply a vehicle to indicate elements of a hypertext page. The HTML page must tell the browser which applets to load and then where to put each applet on the web page.

For Topic Covered


Dreamweaver is a professional authoring tool for creating and maintaining web-pages. It introduces Macromedia's Round-trip HTML technology, that imports HTML documents without reformatting the code and also makes it possible to use the latest Dynamic HTML features. All the code generated by it, works on as many platforms and browsers as possible.

For Salient Features & Applications  
For Topic Covered

ADOBE PHOTOSHOP (Image Processing /Digital Graphics / Electronic Art)

Adobe Photoshop is an Image Processing software package that enables you to create & edit images on IBM personal Computers.Adobe Photoshop is acknowledged in professional fields as the cutting-edge program, the final word in image editing.
For Salient Features & Applications  
For Topic Covered


Internet is worldwide network of networks with over 200 million worldwide users. Internet gives you absolute access to information on any subject under the sky.
Why Use The Internet ?
Business :

Marketing, selling and publishing product literature world wide.

Professionals :  

Provide and get technical support, bug fixes and product information, communicate or collaborate on projects in almost zero time.

Students :

Information regarding Universities, their ratings & procedures for admission all over the world, access to over 40 million library files from your own computer.

Communication Power Of The Internet


Makes it possible for you to go roaming (surfing) around the web, from document to document using nothing but their links. All technical features of  Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Explorer.


You type a message into your computer, and it travels instantly over the network to your specified destination, one or millions.Attaching Text files,Video,Graphics etc. Send attached files to many email.On one click send thousands of emails to friends.


Lets you copy information files in the form of text or graphics and also Multimedia presentations, to and from a remote host.


The  technology  which  makes  possible  to   place international calls from a personal computer to any telephone in the world e.g. Europe, USA, Canada and Caribbean countries at Rs.6 (US $0.5) per minute.


ICQ is a revolutionary, user-friendly Internet program that enables you to initiate contact with those people who are online at that time.

Course Duration Fees (Indian Rs.) Fees (US $)

80 sessions of 1 hr. each

17,000 385

Project in Web Designing 10

Students Design Gallery

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        Our Students' Design Galleries          

Lodging, boarding and travelling not included in the fees.
The above mentioned fees is for one course.
COMPUFIELD offers a unique style of learning -

One computer : One student : One Instructor
Maximum Instructor to Student Ratio 1:4
Sessions : Each session will be of 1 hour.
The timing can be fixed based on our mutual convenience,between 9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Overseas Students take 5 to 10 hours per day to complete their courses.
Course duration in days = total sessions divide by number of sessions per day.
The Above Mentioned Tuition Fees Includes Service Tax 12.36%
No extra charges/refund for more/less time taken to complete the course.


Solve your Queries Online related to our Courses

Mobile Number
M.E. Khairaz (MD)
+91 - 9820134058

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Yahoo Messenger
MSN Messenger
Address-HO : Chinoy Mansion, 1st Flr, Block #2, Opp. St.Stephen's Church, Warden Road, Mumbai-400 036, India.+91-22-236762182