1) |
Database Design with My SQL |
2) |
Why use a Relational Database? |
3) |
Blasted Anomalies |
The update anomaly |
The delete anomaly |
The insert anomaly |
4) |
Normalization |
First normal form |
Second normal form |
Third normal form |
5) |
Types of Relationships |
The one-to-many relationship |
The one-to-one relationship |
The many-to-many relationship |
6) |
Advanced Database Concepts |
Referential integrity |
Transactions |
Stored procedures |
7) |
The Structured query Language for Creating and Altering Tables |
Essential Definitions |
Null Values |
Indexes |
8) |
The create database Statement |
9) |
The use database Statement |
10) |
The create table Statement |
11) |
Column Types |
String column types |
Numeric column types |
Date and time types |
12) |
Creating Indexes |
13) |
Table Types |
MyISAM InnoDB Tables |
Berkeley DB |
Heap |
14) |
The alter table Statement |
Changing a table name |
Adding columns |
Dropping columns |
Adding indexes |
Dropping indexes |
Changing column definitions |
15) |
Using the show Command |
show databases |
show tables |
show columns |
show index |
show table status |
show create table |
16) |
GUI Tools for Manipulating MySQL Tables and Data |
Using phpMyAdmin |
MySQL Control Center |
Using MacSQL |
17) |
The Structured Query Language for Inserting, Editing, and Selecting Data |
The insert Statement |
The update Statement |
The delete Statement |
The replace Statement |
18) |
The Basic select Statement |
The Where clause |
order by |
limit |
group by and aggregate functions |
19) |
Joining Tables |
The two-table join (equi-join) |
The multi-table join |
The outer join |
The self join |
Unions |
Correlated subqueries |
Part II: Working with PHP |
1) |
Getting Started with PHP-Variables |
2) |
Assigning Simple Variables Within a Script |
Delimiting strings |
Assigning arrays within a script |
Assigning two-dimensional arrays in a script |
3) |
Accessing Variables Passed from the Browser |
HTML forms variables |
Passing arrays |
Cookies |
Sessions |
4) |
Testing Variables |
isset0 |
empty0 |
is_null0 |
is_int0 |
is_double0 |
is_string0 |
is_array0 |
is_bool0 |
is_object0 |
is_resource0 |
is_scalar0 |
gettype0 |
5) |
Changing Variable Types |
Variable Variables |
6) |
Control Structures |
7) |
The if Statement |
Determining true or false in PHP |
Comparison operators |
Logical operators |
Complex if statement |
if…else statements |
if…elseif statements |
8) |
switch…case |
Loops |
White… |
do…while |
for |
foreach |
continue and break |
9) |
PHP’s Built-in Functions |
Function Basics |
Arguments |
Return values |
10) |
Function Documentation |
Important PHP Functions |
String handling functions |
Regular expression functions |
Variable functions |
Type-conversion functions |
Array functions |
Object/class functions |
Print functions |
Date/time functions |
File-system functions |
Script Control functions |
Random number generator functions |
Session functions |
MySQL functions |
HTTP header functions |
Image functions |
Mail functions |
URL functions |
Error functions |
Output buffering |
Information functions |
11) |
Writing Organized and Readable Code |
Indenting |
Code blocks |
Function calls |
SQL statements |
12) |
Includes |
Include0 and Require0 |
Include_once0 and Require_once0 |
13) |
User-Defined Functions |
Function basics |
Returning values |
Using a variable number of arguments |
Variable scope |
14) |
Object-Oriented Programming |
Classes, Continued |
Object cloning |
Destructors |
Exceptions |
Part III |
15) |
Creating a shopping Cart |
Where users can shop for Products and data stored in the backend |
Admin Module / Security |
Giving Accesstom Users / Clients / Admin |
Creating the entire admin module using seesions and cookies |