
Learning and teaching, reading and memorizing,
planning and acting on the contents, there are numerous traditions
in the Sunni and Shiite sources that its studying can display and
manifest the importance and greatness of the Heavenly book. These
traditions have been compiled in the books of traditions under the
headings of "books of traditions", the "book of the excellence of
Quran", and the "book of the Merits of Quran". The commentators
of the Holy Quran especially the commentators living in the beginning
of Islam have narrated these traditions in their books. In addition
to the above, some of the earlier scholars have made efforts to
write books under the heading of "the book of the Fazl-ul-Quran
or the book of Navader-ul-Quran."
Ofcourse, some of these writings could not
be transferred to the other periods. But, in the periods of recent
scholars, the late Allama Majlisi has allocated a part of the nineteenth
volume of his book "Behar-ul-Anwar" to the Book of Quran. This part
has been printed in the volumes 89 and 90. Besides, this point that
this part of the book of Behar-ul-Anwar, like the other parts of
this magnificent treasure, not only includes numerous writings of
scholars of the earlier centuries, but implicitly it contains many
traditions from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Holy Imams (A.S.).
It is a very useful reference.
Lastly, in the selection of the traditions
of these writings, great emphasis has been laid on selecting the
short Quranic traditions. In some cases, a part of the tradition
has been mentioned from summary viewpoint. We have refrained from
mentioning the reference of the tradition so that it will be easier
to read or memorize them. But, those interested for finding the
references of every tradition can refer to their sources.
01 - The superiority and excellence
of the Holy Quran.
a) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"The superiority and preference of the Holy Quran on all other books
and sayings is the same as the superiority of Almighty over His
b) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"The Holy Quran is superior and excellent to everything other than
Almighty Allah."
c) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"One who reads the Holy Quran, then he imagines that somebody (else)
has received better and superior than him, then most certainly he
has considered it insignificant the thing that is honorable and
great before the Almighty."
d) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"Whenever mischief and seditions surround you like a part of the
darkness of the night then (take refuge and) go towards the Holy
e) The Holy prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"The Holy Quran is a wealth that no wealth can equal (or reach)
it. And there will be no poverty after it."
02 - the Comprehensiveness and value
of Holy Quran.
a) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"The Book of the Almighty comprises of the narratives and incidents
of the ancients; the news of the future ones; and the rules and
regulations amongst you. The Holy Quran was the measure and weight
of the truth and falsehood and it is not facetious and in vain."
b) Amir-ul- Momenin Ali (A.S.) said:
"The Holy Quran is beautiful apparently and it is deep and profound
inwardly. Its wonder is everlasting and the curtains of darkness
will not be removed when refraining from it."
03 - Learning and teaching the Holy
a) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"The best of you are those who have learned the Holy Quran and teach
to the others".
b) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"One who teaches an Ayat of the Holy Quran, the Sawab (good deed)
will be earned and returned to them so long as the Ayat is being
c) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"For the teacher of the Holy Quran, all the particles of the world
seek forgiveness and supplicate for him even the fishes of the oceans."
d) Amir-ul-Mimenin Ali (A.S.) said:
"Learn and study (Holy) Quran. It is the best of the sayings. Peruse
and think and deliberate on it as it is the spring of the hearts."
e) Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:
"It is deserving and worthy of a believer that he should not depart
from this world but that he has learned the (Holy) Quran or is in
the path of learning it."
f) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"The (Holy) Quran is the (dining) table of the Almighty. Therefore,
utilize it and learn as far as possible."
04 - The Recitation of The Holy Quran;
Its Effect and Its Usefulness.
a) The best of the worships is the recitation
of the (Holy) Quran. The traditions that have been narrated about
reward and good deeds for the recitation of the Holy Quran is considered
as the best of worships. It is important to mention that during
the period of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.); the learning of the word
and meaning of the Holy Quran was considered jointly. The Holy Prophet
(S.A.W.) recommended the recitation of the Holy Quran along with
understanding their meanings. The conduct of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)
shows us that he would teach ten Ayats of the Holy Quran to his
companions and till the time they would not learn and understand
the practical rules and science of the ten Ayats, he would not commence
the next ten Ayats. Thus, the reader of the Holy Quran was aware
and well conversant of their meanings.
b) Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:
"The Quran is the covenant and programs the Almighty for His creatures.
It is deserving that every Muslim should look at this divinely testament
every day and recite fifty Ayats from them every day."
c) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"One who recites ten Ayats of the (Holy) Quran during the night
is from amongst the negligent and the heedless. One who recites
fifty Ayats is from amongst the recites and commemorators. One who
recites hundred Ayats is from amongst the humble and meek ones.
One who recites two hundred Ayats will be counted from amongst the
one who fears the Almighty and from amongst the special ones. One
who recites three hundred Ayats will be from amongst the delivered
and saved ones. And one who recites five hundred Ayats, he will
be from amongst the jurisprudents."
d) Amir-ul-Mimenin Ali (A.S.) said:
"In the day of Resurrection, it will be said to the reciter of the
Holy Quran (Qaari) that recite (The Holy Quran) and step above.
Recite as you have recited in the (previous) world. Your status
and position is up to the last Ayats that you have recited."
e) Amir-ul-Momenin Ali (A.S.) said:
"One who recites the (Holy) Quran is like the one on whose heart
has been inserted the Prophet hood except that "Wahi" (revelations)
have not been revealed for him."
f) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said to Salman
"O Salman! Upon you be about the recitation of the (Holy) Quran.
Its recitation is kaffarah (atonement) of sins."
g) Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:
"One who recites the Holy Quran and he is a young believer, then
his body and blood will be blended and mixed with it."
H) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"Surely, these hearts are rusts like rusted irons. Surely (the thing)
which gives it luster and polish is the recitation of the (Holy)
05 - The ways and the Manners of
The Recitation of The Holy Quran.
a) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"Discharge (your duty towards the Holy) Quran in a good way and
search for its wonders and strangeness."
b) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"Recite the (Holy) Quran in the tone of the Arabs and with their
dialects and accents."
c) Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:
"The (Holy) Quran has been revealed in a sad and sorrowful manner.
So, you also recite it humbly and sadly."
d) Amir-ul-Momenin Ali (A.S.) said:
"During the recitation of the (Holy) Quran, express it in a good
manner. And do not hurry in it like as reciting the poems and do
not scatter it like the pebbles." But, install fear and alarm in
your hard hearts through it. Your efforts should not be that you
should recite and reach the end of the Ayat.
e) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"Learn the (Holy) Quran in Arabic. Refrain from adding an extra
word or alphabet in it."
06 - The Recitation Of The Holy Quran
in a beautiful and Melodious Tone.
a) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"For everything there is an adornment and a decoration. The adornment
of the (Holy) Quran is a beautiful voice and tone."
b) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"Adorn and decorate the (Holy) Quran with your (good) voice."
c) It was asked from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)
that which of the peoples voice in the recitation of the (Holy)
Quran is better. He said; "The voice of that person is better who
while reciting the Holy Quran and his recitation reaches you, you
feel that he is feaful of Allah."
d) Imam Hadi (A.S.) said:
"Ali ibn Hussain (Zainul Abedin) would recite the (Holy) Quran in
such a beautiful voice the passer byes who would pass from his house
would swoon and (would be overcome) by his voice."
e) Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:
While interpreting the Ayat of the Holy Quran, "The meaning of this
Ayat is that one should recite the Holy Quran in a slow and pauseful
manner and make your voice beautiful with its recitation."
07 - Memorizing The Holy Quran
and Its Effects.
a) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"The most honorable and noble from amongst my Ummat are the memorizers
of the (Holy) Quran and those who (stay) awake (for worshipping)."
b) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"The carriers of the (Holy) Quran are those who are included and
covered by the Mercy of Allah."
c) Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:
"Recite the (Holy) Quran and memorize it. Allah will not punish
the heart in which the Quran has been placed (in it)."
d) Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:
"The memorizer of the Quran and the one who acts on it will be the
companions with the preferable divine ambassadors - the Angels."
e) And from amongst the Duas and supplications
of Imam Sadiq (A.S.):
"O Allah, select and approve for us two works: to recite the Quran
in a good manner and to memorize their Ayats."
f) Imam Kazim (A.S.) narrates from the Holy
Prophet (S.A.W.) who said:
"The carriers of the (Holy) Quran are the learned persons of the
inhabitants of the Heavens."
08 - The Recitation of The Holy Quran
While Looking At The Moshaf.
a) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"Looking at the Moshaf (Holy Quran) is (considered as) worship."
As per some traditions, Moshaf is a name, which
has been ascribed to the Holy Quran. This word has not come in the
Holy Quran in this form, but its derivative of "Sohof" has been
used in the Holy Quran on 8 occasions.
b) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"The recitation of the Holy Quran from the Moshaf (Book) is better
that its recitation from memory."
c) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"Nothing is more difficult and harder for the Shaitan than the recitation
of the Quran from the Moshaf (book)."
d) Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:
"One who recites the Quran from the Moshaf (Book) then his eyes
will enjoy and profit (from its good deeds and blessings)."
09 - The Recitation Of The Holy Quran
And Contemplating And Deliberating On It.
a) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"Woe is upon the one who recites the divine Ayats, but dose not
contemplates and thinks about it."
b) Amir-ul-Momenin Ali (A.S.) said:
"Beware, there is no good in recitation (of the Holy Quran) and
not deliberating and thinking on it."
c) Amir-ul-Momenin Ali (A.S.) said:
"Learn the (Holy) Quran as it is the best of the speeches and think
and reflect on it as it is the spring of the hearts."
d) Imam Sadiq (A.S.) while interpreting the
Ayats of the Holy Quran, the right to the recitation of the Quran
is thinking and pause over every Ayat, which propounds about the
Heaven and the Hell.
10 - The Recitation of The Holy Quran
And Acting On It.
a) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"How numerous are the reciters of the Holy Quran, and the Quran
curses them."
b) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"The one who does not consider the Haram (forbidden) acts of the
Quran as Halal (permissible) does not believe and has no faith in
the Quran."
c) The one who learns the Quran and does not
act on it, Allah will raise him as a blind (person) on the day of
d) Amir-ul-Momenin Ali (A.S.) said:
"By Allah, pay attention to the Quran. It should not be that others
overtake and take precedence over you in acting and practicing (on
the Quran)."
e) Imam Reza (A.S.) said:
"(Quran) is the word of Allah. Do not exceed and trespass from its
boundary. Do not seek guidance other than from its shadow and protection
or you will be deviated and misguided."
f) Amir-ul-Momenin Ali (A.S.)
"One who recites the (Holy Quran) and then enters the Hell, he is
from those who have ridiculed and mocked at the Ayats of the Holy
