Rumaysa bint Milhan
before Islam was introduced to Yathrib, Rumaysa was known for her
excellent character, the power of her intellect and her independent
attitude of mind. She was known by various names including Rumaysa
and Ghumaysa, but these were possibly nicknames. One historian says
that her real name was Sahlah but later she was popularly known
as Umm Sulaym.
Umm Sulaym
was first married to Malik ibn an-Nadr and her son by this marriage
was the famous Anas ibn Malik, one of the great companions of the
Umm Sulaym
was one of the first women of Yathrib to accept Islam. She was influenced
by the refined, dedicated and persuasive Musab ibn Umayr who was
sent out as the first missionary or ambassador of Islam by the noble
Prophet. This was after the first pledge of Aqabah. Twelve men of
Yathrib had gone to Aqabah on the outskirts of Makkah to pledge
loyalty to the Prophet. This was the first major break through for
the mission of the Prophet for many years.
Umm Sulaym's
decision to accept Islam was made without the knowledge or consent
of her husband, Malik ibn an-Nadr. He was absent from Yathrib at
the time and when he returned he felt some change had come over
his household and asked his wife: "Have you been rejuvenated?"
"No," she said, "but I (now) believe in this man
(meaning the Prophet Muhammad)."
was not pleased especially when his wife went on to announce her
acceptance of Islam in public and instruct her son Anas in the teachings
and practice of the new faith. She taught him to say la ilaha ilia
Allah and Ash hadu anna Muhammada-r Rasulullah. The young Anas repeated
this simple but profound declaration of faith clearly and emphatically.
Umm Sulaym's
husband was now furious. He shouted at her: "Don't corrupt
my son." "I am not corrupting him ," she replied
Her husband
then left the house and it is reported that he was set upon by an
enemy of his and was killed. The news shocked but apparently did
not upset Umm Sulaym greatly. She remained devoted to her son Anas
and was concerned about his. proper upbringing. She is even reported
to have said that she would not marry again unless Anas approved.
it was known that Umm Sulaym had become a widow, one man, Zayd ibn
Sahl, known as Abu Talhah, resolved to become engaged to her before
anyone else did.
He was
rather confident that Umm Sulaym would not pass him over for another.
He was after all a strong and virile person who was quite rich and
who possessed an imposing house that was much admired. He was an
accomplished horseman and a skilful archer and, moreover, he belonged
to the same clan as Umm Sulaym, the Banu Najjar.
Abu Talhah
proceeded to Umm Sulaym's house. On the way he recalled that she
had been influenced by the preaching of Musab ibn Umayr and had
become a Muslim.
what?" he said to himself. "Was not her husband who died
a firm adherent of the old religion and was he not opposed to Muhammad
and his mission?"
Abu Talhah
reached Umm Sulaym's house. He asked and was given permission to
enter. Her son Anas was present. Abu Talhah explained why he had
come and asked for her hand in marriage.
man like you, Abu Talhah ," she said, "is not (easily)
turned away. But I shall never marry you while you are a kafir,
an unbeliever."
Abu Talhah
thought she was trying to put him off and that perhaps she had already
preferred someone wealthier and more influential. He said to her:
is it that really prevents you from accepting me, Umm Sulaym? Is
it the yellow and the white metals (gold and silver)?"
and silver?" she asked somewhat taken aback and in a slightly
censuring tone. "Yes," he said. "I swear to you,
Abu Talhah, and I swear to God and His Messenger that if you accept
Islam, I shall be pleased to accept you as a husband, without any
gold or silver. I shall consider your acceptance of Islam as my
Abu Talhah
understood well the implications of her words. His mind turned to
the idol he had made from wood and on which he lavished great attention
in the same way that important men of his tribe venerated and cared
for their personal idols.
The opportunity
was right for Umm Sulaym to stress the futility of such idol worship
and she went on: "Don't you know Abu Talhah, that the god you
worship besides Allah grew from the earth?" "That's true,"
he said.
you feel stupid while worshipping part of a tree while you use the
rest of it for fuel to bake bread or warm yourself? (If you should
give up these foolish beliefs and practices) and become a Muslim,
Abu Talhah, I shall be pleased to accept you as a husband and I
would not want from you any sadaqah apart from your acceptance of
shall instruct me in Islam?" asked Abu Talhah. "I shall,"
Umm Sulaym replied. "How?"
the declaration of truth and testify that there is no god but Allah
and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Then go to your house,
destroy your idol and throw it away."
Abu Talhah
left and reflected deeply on what Umm Sulaym had said. He came back
to her beaming with happiness.
have taken your advice to heart. I declare that there is no god
but Allah and I declare that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."
Umm Sulaym
and Abu Talhah were married. Anas, her son, was pleased and the
Muslims would say: "We have never yet heard of a mahr that
was more valuable and precious than that of Umm Sulaym for she made
Islam her mahr."
Umm Sulaym
was pleased and delighted with her new husband who placed his unique
energies and talents in the service of Islam. He was one of the
seventy three men who swore allegiance to the Prophet at the second
Pledge of Aqabah. With him, according to one report, was his wife
Umm Sulaym. Two other women, the celebrated Nusaybah bint Kab and
Asma bint Amr witnessed Aqabah and took the oath of allegiance to
the Prophet.
Abu Talhah
was devoted to the Prophet and took enormous delight in simply looking
at him and listening to the sweetness of his speech. He participated
in all the major military campaigns. He lived a very ascetic life
and was known to fast for long periods at a time. It is said that
he had a fantastic orchard in Madinah with date palms and grapes
and running water. One day while he was performing Salat in the
shade of the trees, a beautiful bird with brightly colored plumage
flew in front of him. He became engrossed in the scene and forgot
how many rakats he had prayed. Two? Three? When he completed the
Prayer he went to the Prophet and described how he had been distracted.
In the end, he said: "Bear witness, Messenger of Allah, that
I hand over this orchard as a charity for the sake of Allah, the
Abu Talhah
and Umm Sulaym had an exemplary Muslim family life, devoted to the
Prophet and the service of Muslims and Islam. The Prophet used to
visit their home. Sometimes when the time of Prayer came, he would
pray on a mat provided by Umm Sulaym. Sometimes also he would have
a siesta in their house and, as he slept, she would wipe the perspiration
from his forehead. Once when the Prophet awoke from his siesta,
he asked: "Umm Sulaym, what are you doing?" "I am
taking these (drops of perspiration) as a barakah (blessing) which
comes from you ," she replied.
At another
time, the Prophet went to their house and Umm Sulaym offered him
dates and butterfat but he did not have any of it because he was
fasting. Occasionally, she would send her son Anas with bags of
dates to his house.
It was
noticed that the Prophet, peace be on him, had a special compassion
for Umm Sulaym and her family and when asked about it, he replied:
"Her brother was killed beside me."
Umm Sulaym
also had a well-known sister, Umm Haram, the wife of the imposing
Ubadah ibn as-Samit. She died at sea during a naval expedition and
was buried in Cyprus. Umm Sulaym's husband, Abu Talhah, also died
while he was on a naval expedition during the time of the third
Caliph, Uthman, and was buried at sea.
Umm Sulaym
herself was noted for her great courage and bravery. During the
Battle of Uhud, she carried a dagger in the folds of her dress.
She gave water to and tended the wounded and she made attempts to
defend the Prophet when the tide of battle was turning against him.
At the Battle of Khandaq, the Prophet saw her carrying a dagger
and he asked her what she was doing with it. She said: "It
is to fight those who desert."
God grant you satisfaction in that," replied the Prophet. In
the face of adversity, Umm Sulaym displayed a unique calmness and
strength. One of her young sons (Umayr) fell sick and died while
her husband was away looking after his orchards. She bathed the
child and wrapped him in shrouds. She told others at her home that
they should not inform Abu Talhah because she herself wanted to
tell him.
Umm Sulaym
had another son whose name was Abdullah. A few days after she gave
birth, she sent Anas with the baby and a bag of dates to the Prophet.
The Prophet placed the baby on his lap. He crushed the dates in
his mouth and put some in the baby's mouth. The baby sucked the
dates with relish and the Prophet said: "The Ansar are only
fond of dates."
eventually grew up and had seven children all of whom memorized
the Quran.
Umm Sulaym
was a model Muslim, a model wife and mother. Her belief in God was
strong and uncompromising. She was not prepared to endanger her
faith and the upbringing of her children for wealth and luxury,
however abundant and tempting.
She was
devoted to the Prophet and dedicated her son Anas to his service.
She took the responsibility of educating her children and she played
an active part in public life, sharing with the other Muslims the
hardships and the joys of building a community