We believe that all those who come under the COMPUFIELD umbrella are a part of our extended family. We provide professional and technical support to our partners. Our support is given unstintingly as, in their growth we grow. We believe in the power of interpersonal communication. Hence, the process of transition with Franchisees is facilitated with constant interaction.
Site Selection:
This is the first step after signing the agreement and depositing the franchise fee amount. The sites are chosen with lot of care and with adherence to the guidelines provided by COMPUFIELD. We approve the site after a physical inspection or by simply going through the description provided by the partner.
Project Development:
With the initial decision taken i.e. the site being finalized, COMPUFIELD’s architects work out the design layout for the center. Before it is implemented the intricacies are worked out with the COMPUFIELD team.
Staff Recruitment:
The efficiency of the staff determines the quality of service provided. Once the advertisement for the staff recruitment is released, the initial screening of candidates is done by the partner. The COMPUFIELD teams of experts, however, take the final interviews of the short listed candidates.
Staff Training:
COMPUFIELD has a reputation for a certain standard of service. To ensure adherence to these high quality standards, it provides the initial training to the selected staff of the franchise.
COMPUFIELD will provide one time Training to four staff members of the franchise in two phases i.e. 1st Phase - 30 days(4 staff members) and 2nd Phase -15 days(1 staff member) at Mumbai(Bombay), as part of the franchise arrangements.
*The cost of travelling, lodging and boarding will be borne by the franchisee.
Average Life of any Software program is 6 months maximum hence technical and training support will be provided by COMPUFIELD (HEAD OFFICE) on an ongoing basis using online training
Centre Launch:
Launching the center is not a simple task. The launch decides the future of the center. COMPUFIELD guides the partner to launch the unit with appropriate marketing strategies and implementation plan. Collaterals and designs are also provided to the franchise.
Marketing Support:
COMPUFIELD has devised time tested marketing strategies in this function. It offers guidance to its partners for effective marketing and promotions of services. All collaterals and ad designs are provided to the franchise. Our marketing team visits centers on regular basis to study and analyze the needs to provide adequate support.
Administratrative Support:-
The entire technical, marketing and administration support required for establishing the training centre
will be provided by COMPUFIELD which will include a set the following:
- Instructional Manuals for most of our courses.
- Office / Administration Forms.
- Sales promotional material formats for newspapers, handbill and cable advertisements.
- Set of student exercises projects for every course.
- Sample / project files of ex-students on CD and colour printouts for demo of every course to
justify World-class performance of our students.
- Job opportunities to diploma holder in different parts of India and world with the help of
- Global advertising and marketing on internet, visit our website http://www.compufield.com,
http://ww.compufield.net and aonlinetraining.com.
- Training to staff on new courses and upgraded versions on an ongoing basis.
- Evaluation of staff performance on an ongoing basis using internet technology.