Flash is the web development standard for delivering rich, interactive content in a bandwidth-friendly way. Some of the features, include:
Enhancements to drawing and advanced gradient control; New blend modes; Graphic filters for effects such as drop shadows and blurs; Custom easing for animations; The new Script Assist mode and simplified video import.
Animated Graphics
Animation for Web
Interactive Elements
Corporate Presentation
Prerequisite for learning Action Script is knowledge of the following in
C programming language -
Data Types
Interactive Flash
Giving your movies instructions
Working with the Actions panel
Direct typing
Who are you talking to?
Controlling movie clips on the stage
Listening to what your movies are telling you
Events in Flash
External events
Internal events
Introducing event handlers
Nesting spiders—argh!
Animating movie clips with ActionScript
Movies That Remember
Introducing variables
Values and types
Creating variables and using them with literals and expressions
Naming variables
Creating variables
Using literal values
Using expressions
Input and output
Using string expressions
Working with numbers
Other uses for numeric expressions
Working with Boolean values
Logic operators
Reasons for using arrays
Arrays let you store related information together
Arrays let you hold information in a specific order
Arrays let you index information
Arrays let you link information
Creating a new array
Typing an array
Using variable values as offsets
Typing an array
Using variable values as offsets
Movies That Decide for Themselves
Decision making
Making decisions in ActionScript: The if action
Defining a decision
Alternative actions
Acting on alternatives: The else action
More than one alternative: The else if action
Handling lots of alternatives: The switch action
Switching without breaks
Organizing your code in the correct order
More Power, Less Script
Timeline loops
ActionScript loops
while loops
Useful things to do with while loops
for loops
Some useful examples of for loops
Simple loop
Reverse loop
Two at a time
Looping through elements in an array
Applying an operation to all the elements in an array
Searching an array for a specific value
Cross-indexing a pair of arrays
Movies That Remember How to Do Things
Breaking down a task
Bundling actions and running them afterward
Using anonymous and named functions
Using functions to hide evil math
Using functions to take care of repetitive jobs
Choosing which actions to bundle and where
Arguments and redundancy
Local variables and modular code
Returning values from a function
Typing functions
Running in circles
Nesting functions
Using nested functions
Using more function nesting to tidy up your script
Objects and Classes
Introducing objects and classes
Type and object-oriented programming
Classes, generalization, and abstraction
Seeing arrays in a new light
The Array constructor method
Other Array methods
Array properties
Creating classes and objects (instances) in Flash
The Object object
Viewing an object in Flash
Objects, objects, everywhere
Lurking objects
Making a show reel
Objects on the Stage
Movie clips and buttons as objects
Symbol types and behaviors
Two sides of the same object
Working with Library items
Let chaos reign
Bitmap caching
The other side of bitmap caching
Bitmap caching and RAM
Changing the appearance of a cached movie clip
When to use bitmap caching
Referencing different timelines with ActionScript
Different place, different variable
Locating variables from inside an event handler function
Reusing handler functions
The apply method
Global variables
Reusable Code and Realistic Movement
Breaking down big tasks into smaller ones
Black-box programming
Creating simple components
Creating a modular set of playback controls
Dark Valentine
Modular control of movie clips
How to simulate realistic movement
Motion with acceleration
Trailing the pointer (a mouse follower)
Understanding the inertial code
Fine-tuning the component
Function-based modular code
Swarming behavior
Taking the swarming effect forward
Creating tweens with ActionScript
Using import to access the Tween class
How to use the Tween constructor function
Understanding the transition types
Games and Sprites
What is a sprite?
External and internal data
Planning zapper
The game world (the main timeline)