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  Programming Courses :
 Diploma in Java Programming I Diploma in Database-Administration [RDBMS] I Diploma in DOT NET Tech I Diploma in ORACLE Database Administrator (OCP) I
 Diploma in ORACLE Database Administrator (OCP) I Diploma in Internet Application & E-Commerce I  Diploma in Software Engineering I
 Dip in Web Designing, Software Engineering, E-Commerce & Global Marketing I Dip in Web Designing, Multimedia, E-Commerce & Global Mkt I
 Dip in Web Designing, Multimedia Pro, Software Engineering, E-Commerce & Global Mkt I
  Individual Courses :
  JDBC & JavaBeans I JSP I J2EE I
  Financial Courses :
 Advance Excel I Macros VBA I Excel + Advance Excel I Certificate in Computerized Accounting & Financial Application I Tally+ Advance Excel I
 Dip in Microsoft Excel (Financial Application) I Dip course in Financial Application using Excel I Dip course in Computerized Accounting + Financial App I
 Dip Course in Computerized Financial App (MIS) I
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Zohair Mala., Course-"JDK, Javabeans, JDBC, Java Script & Web Publishing", Country-"Kuwait" Abhishek Shukla., Course-"PHP & MYSQL", Country-"India" Musaddique Kazi., Course-"C,C++, Javascript and Web Publishing", Country-"India" Kavita Maheshwari., Course-"Java Script", Country-"India"
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Diploma In Software Engineering

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Windows is the most innovative and powerful Operating System today. It has the most user friendly features that you won't find in any other OS. Moreover it is compatible with all software  of  today.


  • With Windows, you can work with several Programs at once. You can switch between Programs with a couple of keystrokes or a click of a mouse, reducing the time required to move from one application to another.

  • You can give any name to a file; you are not limited to eight characters with a three-character extension as in DOS. You can even use spaces.

  • Windows now supports the use of drives greater than 2 GB (gigabytes) in capacity. The maximum supported drive size is 2 TB (terabytes).

  • Windows prints your documents "in the background," so you can get back to work quickly after you send your document to the printer.


  • Nowadays all software is Windows based.


Microsoft Word for Windows is a full-features Word processor designed to help you work more efficiently. Microsoft Word shows you to create effective documents using its features.You will learn how to edit, format, print documents, insert and manage tables and graphics into documents.


  • Easy and Fast Tool to create a one page Letter, a hundred page Report, etc.
  • You could  add  Graphics  to  your  Letters  and  Reports  to  make  it more attractive.
  • Automatic Spelling check as well as Grammar check facility.
  • Freeform Table Draw.
  • Document Mapping.
  • You can also link to Excel numbers and Charts.
  • You can link your Word documents to World Wide Web or Intranet sites.

  • With Word you can create and type Letters, Reports, Memos, Proposals, Newsletters, Brochures, Graphical Presentation, Web pages, etc.

Microsoft Excel for Windows is a powerful electronics spreadsheet application that can be used for managing, analyzing and presenting data in graphical manner.


  • Excel has three components that perform in three different manners:
    1. The Spreadsheet.
    2. The Data sheet.
    3. The Chart.
  • Create formulas on worksheets is easy and fast
  • Enhanced formatting and layout features help you get the printed report or online form with the look you want.
  • You  can  quickly  find  the  information  you  need  and  create  automatic subtotals of your data.
  • Increased capacity, high-end formatting options, and a mapping feature give you powerful ways to analyze your data visually.
  • Explore  the  power  of  the  Internet  from  your  familiar  Microsoft   Excel spreadsheet.
  • When you want to analyze data from outside Microsoft Excel, there's no need to retype. In a few keystrokes, you can bring the data right onto your worksheet.


  • Excel  is  used  for  preparing  Company  profiles  in  the form of Charts and Graphs.
  • Excel stores the accounting spreadsheets in Electronic form

PowerPoint is the most famous and powerful presentation Program. Impressive colourful slide shows can be designed.


  • Quick and Easy, High impact visual to accompany a talk.
  • Fact-filled presentation with plenty of Graphs and Charts.
  • Sophisticated Electronic presentation.
  • You can assemble existing text and graphics from other Microsoft Office Application.
  • You can time your Presentations.
  • You can save as Web Animation.


  • With Microsoft Powerpoint you can create Company Presentations and Profiles.

C is a general purpose Programming Language. C has proven to be a pleasant, powerful, and versatile language for a wide variety of Programs. Many of the modern languages like C++, Visual C++, Java, JavaScript, etc. are based on C Language. Therefore, not knowing this Language is considered a handicap. 90% of UNIX Operating System is written in C Language.


  • C is a general purpose Structured Language that is powerful, efficient and compact.
  • C is combination of High level language and Assembly language that's why it's good for man & assembler.
  • C is a robust language whose rich set of built-in function and operator can be used to write any complex program.
  • C is portable language.
  • C provides a variety of data types.
  • In addition, there is a hierarchy of derived data types created with pointers, arrays, structures and unions.
  • Programming in C is efficient & fast because of its datatypes and various operator.


  • 90% of UNIX Operating System is written in C Language.


  • Basic Structure of C, Constants, Variables, Data types & Keywords, Operators, Expression, Conditional Operators.
  • Decision, Loop & Switch Control Statement.
  • Array's & String Handling, Creating Functions in C.
  • Introduction to Pointers in C.
  • Passing Pointers as Arguments to Function.
  • Structure, Union. File Handling Dynamic Allocation of Memory.
  • Introduction To Linked List Basics.

C ++

C++ is a Object Oriented Programming Language that is powerful, efficient and compact. It includes concepts like Polymorphism, Dynamic Binding, Data hiding, Operator encapsulation and inheritance, which are to observed in C. User defined Objects (instances) can be reused with and without modifications to generate newapplication. This reduces coding to greater extends.


  • For file accessing, you can use file objects to open or manipulate a file. 
  • C++ is a Robust language whose rich set of built-in function and operator can be used to reduce complexity of program.
  • C++ is also a Portable language.


  • Complex real-time System.
  • Simulation and Modeling.
  • Object-oriented database.
  • Hypertext, hypermedia and expert text.
  • Neural networks and parallel programming.
  • Communication System.


  • Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (C++).
  • Tokens, expression, data types & control structure.
  • Introduction to Classes, Objects, Constructor & Deconstructor.Functions in C++.
  • Function overloading, operator overloading.
  • Inheritance, multiple & multilevel inheritance.
  • Introduction to virtual functions, classes & polymorphism.
  • File operations using fstream classes.
  • Exception Handling.
  • Introduction to Templates.


  • MS-Access is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) first of its kind to be put under Windows.

  • Learning it, will help you in storing, managing, manipulating large numbers of records in very less time.

  • MS-Access can be used as a BackEnd with VisualBasic as a FrontEnd because it becomes easy to connect an application program with database like MS-Access.

  • MS-Access is used in fields like for e.g. Business, Medical, Defense and many more since all this field have large amount of information to be stored.

  • MS-Access also allows you to develop commercial application like Financial, Accounting and Inventory packages.


Oracle is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).Oracle 8.0, Oracle is latest technology, today's systems designers and Developers can build 21st century enabled application ranging from critical on-line transaction processing systems supporting thousand of user's to multi-terrabyte data warehouses for decision support and also World Wide Web-based applications.


  • Oracle has sophisticated security mechanisms control access to sensitive Data by An assortment of privileges.
  • Oracle Provides sophisticated backup & recovery routines. Backup creates a second copy of Oracle Data, recovery restores a copy of data from Back up.
  • Oracle provides flexible space management. It has special abilities that are capable of handling very large databases.
  • Oracle provides open connectivity to & from other vendor's software.
  • Oracle server supports a wide range of Development tools, end user Query tools, off the shelf applications & office wide information tools.
  • Critical on-line transaction processing systems supporting thousands of users to multi-terrabyte data warehouses for decision support and also World Wide Webbased applications.
  • Introduction to oracle products.
  • SQL*plus features and commands.
  • Data manipulation commands, data control commands.
  • Altering tables, data definition commands, joins, types of  functions.
  • Process Transaction commands, SQL*plus set theory.
  • Sub-queries and Co-related queries.
  • Views, clusters, indexes, synonyms, snapshots.
  • Formatting output of queries, Report creation.
  • Introduction to PL/SQL.
  • Cursors, exceptions, procedures, database functions and triggers.


PHP is a powerful cross platform server side script language. It is a full featured programming language capable of managing huge database driven online environments. Using PHP you can query databases, create images, read & write files, talk to remote servers - the possibilities are endless. 
For Salient Features & Applications


SQL Server

SQL Server is the Database Management System (RDBMS) that allows to store huge Databases and manage the same easily. It is enterprise database management and analysis system.


  • XML Support: Simplify the integration of your back-end systems and data transfer across firewalls using XML.
  • High Availability : Maximize the availability of your business applications with log shipping, online backups, and failover clusters.
  • Automated Tuning : Automatic tuning and maintenance features enable administrators to focus on other critical tasks.
  • Improved Developer Productivity : User-defined functions, cascading referential integrity, and the integrated Transact-SQL debugger allow you to reuse code to simplify the development process.
  • Security : Ensure your applications are secure in any networked environment, with role-based security and file and network encryption.
  • Data Transformation Services : Automate routines that extract, transform, and load data from heterogeneous sources.


  • Multinational Companies with huge databases to be maintained
  • Banking Industry
  • Production Industry
  • Data warehousing companies
  • Educational / Training Industry
  • Air-transportation Service Industry
  • Any business or service industry that stores database



HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)is used to describe the layout of a web page. HTML is simply a vehicle to indicate elements of a hypertext page. The HTML page must tell the browser which applets to load and then where to put each applet on he web page.


Java is platform independent, reliable programming language introduced by sun systems, used mainly to Development application and applets. Java is used  to create web-based application and allows user interaction on the  internet. Java allows us to have animation, audio and video clippings in our web  page. Java programming helps in writing programs through which you can connect to  any computer on the internet.


  • Java is two stage system having both compiler & interpreter.
  • Java is Platform Independent & Portable language. Thus Java Program can be moved from one computer to another computer, irrespective of the hardware or operating systems.
  • Java supports object oriented concepts. Java comes with an extensive set of classes which can be used by inheritance.

  • Java allows us to have animation, audio and video clippings in our web page.

  • Java provides many safeguards for security. It has strict, compile & run time checking for data types. Java also has concept of error handling which captures errors & eliminate any serious risk to the system.

  • Java is a distributed language i.e. it can be used across various networks.
  • Java is a simple language as compared to other object oriented languages.

  • Java supports multithreading i.e. one can perform multiple task in system independent of each other.

  • Java is capable of dynamic linking.
  • Java is extensible language.


  • Java is used to create web-based applications and allows user interaction on the Internet.
  • Java Program can be used to connect to any computer on the Internet and have financial transactions.


  • Introduction to Object Oriented Programming.
  • Java Basic: Data types, Object, Arrays, Strings, Operators, Statements, Exception Handling (try-catch-finally).

  • Classes & Objects in Java: Constructors, destructors, class methods, extending a class, overriding methods, visibility modifiers, abstract classes and interfaces.

  • Applets & Event Handling: Drawing graphics, reading apple parameters, animation.

  • Graphical User Interface: Introduction to GUI components and event handling.
  • Multithreading.
  • Introduction to Swing Package.
  • Input & Output: File operations like creating, reading and modifying a file.
    Database Connectivity ( JDBC ).
  • Advanced Graphics: Smooth Animation and keeping track of images.
  • Network Engineering: URL contents downloading, using URL connection, Introduction to sockets and Client & Server Programming using connection objects.


JavaBeans component architecture is the platform-neutral architecture for the Java application environment.


  • It's the only component architecture you should consider if you're developing for the Java platform.
  • The JavaBeans architecture takes inter-operability, a major step forward so that your code runs on every OS and also within any application environment.

  • JavaBeans components inter-operate with ActiveX and connects via ActiveX-JavaBeans bridges.


  • It's the ideal choice for developing or assembling network-aware solutions for heterogeneous hardware and operating system environments within the enterprise or across the Internet.

  • JavaBeans component architecture extends "Write Once, Run Anywhere" capability to reusable component development.

  • A beans developer secures a future in the emerging network software market without losing customers that use proprietary platforms.


JDBC technology is an API that lets you access virtually any tabular data source from the Java programming language. It provides cross-DBMS connectivity to a wide range of SQL databases, and now, with the new JDBC API, it also provides access to other tabular data sources, such as spreadsheets or flat files.


  • JDBC programs are platform and Vendor independent.
  • JDBC components inter-operate with Database and connects via JDBC-ODBC bridges.


  • You can use JDBC in both applications and applets.
  • Database vendors and database tool vendors can supply the low level drivers. Thus, they can optimize their drivers for their specific products.

  • With JDBC you can write useful programs to handle realistic database chores.

Servlets are used for Server-Side Programming. Servlet are generic extensions to Java-enabled servers. Their most common use is to extend Webservers,providing a very secure,portable and easy-to-use replacement for CGI. A Servlet is a dynamically loaded module that services requests from a Webserver. It runs entirely inside the Java Virtual Machine.

For Salient Features & Applications


JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a web-scripting technology similar to Netscape server-side JavaScript (SSJS) or Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP). Although the JSP specification has been managed by Sun Microsystems, any vendor can implement JSP in their own systems.

For Salient Features & Applications

JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a web-scripting technology similar to Netscape server-side JavaScript (SSJS) or Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP). Although the JSP specification has been managed by Sun Microsystems, any vendor can implement JSP in their own systems.

For Salient Features & Application


J2EE is a multitiered application architecture. The J2EE specification defines roles based on certain functionality in the normal course of development and deployment of a J2EE application.


A J2EE component is a self-contained functional software unit that is assembled into a J2EE application; it then interfaces with other application components.

You can develop servlet-based Web application that can process HTML forms and generate dynamic content using the J2EE
PREREQUISITES ( Should have knowledge of )

Basic programming
Experience in Java is must



VB.Net is the backbone of .Net framework & contains the ingredients of .Net.


  • A brief history of .Net

  • Backbone of .Net framework

  • The ingredients of .NET
  • The .NET & web classes
  • Web Services and the next-generation Internet
  • Integration which more than 20 languages
  • Compatibility with commerce server & Biztak Server
  • Web solution
  • Net security
  • ERP solution

PREREQUISITES ( Should have knowledge of )

    • Basic programming
    • Experience in Visual Basic is a plus


The Internet has revolutionized the way organizations think about application development and deployment. The leap from traditional client-server development to web base development takes more than accessing data through a browser.


  • ASP.NET helps to develop web-based applications with high performance and scalability.
  • Develop web-based applications using ASP.NET
  • Apply client-side and server-side programming, DHTML, scripting.
  • Analyze the performance issues involved in developing applications on the net.
  • Evaluate the use of client-side scripting vs. server-side scripting.
  • Develop applications using ASP.NET, XML and databases.
  • Obtain and process information about server, clients, and users.
  • Keeping track of client interactions.
  • Develop and deploy applications using Microsoft InterDev and Studio.


  • Web-based Programming. Web application development concepts, issues, and protocol. Server-browser interaction.
  • HTML. Overview of HTML capabilities, tags, formatting, writing forms and scripts.
  • HTTP Protocol. The protocol, methods, data transfer and queries.
  • DHTML. DOM, CSS2, attributes, events, netscape and IE extensions.
  • Scripting. Overview of VBScript, JavaScript, document objects.
  • ASP.NET. Why ASP.NET? Server and ASP.NET, Writing ASP.NET pages, IIS and ASP.NET
  • ASP.NET Object Model. Classes in the ASP.NET object model. Functionality and features.
  • Using InterDev. Creating projects, development and deployment using InterDev.
  • ASP.NET Facilities. Interaction with server, tracking sessions with cookies, and session objects.
  • ASP.NET Interactions. Interacting with other pages, forwarding and including.
  • Performance Techniques. Caching, refreshing, client pull, buffering, issues.
  • Managing Applications. The concept of an application in ASP.NET, Application objects.
  • Database Access. ASP.NET and ADO, database access.
  • Security. Security issues and concepts, authorization techniques, SSL.
  • Other Technologies. Comparison to other technologies like CGI, JSP.
  • XML and ASP.NET. Using XML with ASP.NET. XML for performance and ease of development

Course Duration Fees (Indian RS.) Fees (US $)
690 sessions of 1hr. each 81,000 2315


Lodging, boarding and travelling not included in the fees.
The above mentioned fees is for one course.
COMPUFIELD offers a unique style of learning -

One computer : One student : One Instructor
Maximum Instructor to Student Ratio 1:4
Sessions : Each session will be of 1 hour.
The timing can be fixed based on our mutual convenience,between 9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Overseas Students take 5 to 10 hours per day to complete their courses.
Course duration in days = total sessions divide by number of sessions per day.
The Above Mentioned Tuition Fees Includes Service Tax 12.36%
No extra charges/refund for more/less time taken to complete the course.


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